All you need to know about your smoke detector

Your smoke detector can save your life: get to know it and use it optimally with our advice.

Download the manual for your smoke detector:

'.Smoke detector awarness.'

How does my smoke detector work?

To pause the smoke detector when the battery is low :

  • Briefly press the sensor button
  • Red indicator light flashes once every 45 seconds for about 8 hours

The detector is not operational. The detector must be replaced.

When the battery is low, the smoke detector reacts as follows:

  • Red indicator light flashes once every 45 seconds for at least 30 days
  • Audible alert: 1 beep every 45 seconds for at least 30 days

The detector is not operational. The detector must be replaced.

To stop the current alarm from your smoke detector :

  • Briefly press the central button on the front of the detector
  • Red indicator light flashes once every 10 seconds for about 10 minutes

The detector resets automatically after 10 minutes.

By pausing the alarm, you can control a future false alarm in advance (e.g. smoke or steam generation when cooking, use of candles or incense, cigarette smoke, etc.). To temporarily pause the smoke detector :

  • Briefly press the sensor button
  • Red LED flashes every 10 seconds for about 10 minutes

The detector resets automatically after 10 minutes.

When a fault is detected, the smoke detector reacts as follows:

  • Red indicator light flashes once every 45 seconds
  • Audible alert beeps 3 times every 45 seconds

The detector is not operational.

Make sure you have complied with the precautions and limits for use of the detector. Clean the back of the detector using the brush attachment of a vacuum cleaner, sucking for 30 seconds.

If the fault alarm persists after 15 minutes, the detector must be replaced.

At the end of its service life, the smoke detector reacts as follows:

  • Audible alert beeps 3 times every 45 seconds

The detector is not operational. The detector has been active for more than 10 years, and needs to be replaced.

To test the smoke detector :

  • Press the button on the detector until the alarm signal sounds, then release.
  • The alarm buzzer sounds, and the red LED flashes several times a second.
  • The detector is operational after 10 minutes

If the test does not work, the detector has probably identified a malfunction. First of all, make sure that you have complied with the precautions and limits for use of the detector.

If so, repeat the operation up to 2 times if necessary.

If the test still doesn’t work, wait 15 minutes and repeat the operation up to 2 times if necessary.

If the test still fails, the detector must be replaced.

The detector must not be disposed of with household waste. The detector must be returned to an appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Observe state disposal laws.

Warning: The detector contains a lithium battery. Do not burn, melt or incinerate the detector.



Every year, clean the detector and perform an alarm test:

  • Remove the detector from its base
  • Turn the detector over
  • Remove dust with the brush attachment of a vacuum cleaner, sucking for 30 seconds (any insects, spider webs or dust clusters near the detector must be removed).
  • Press the Test / Silence button until the alarm signal sounds, then release.


Do not use compressed-air sprays or the like










Your smoke detector features a red indicator light on the front panel, plus a Test/Silence button.

On the back of the product you’ll find the settings button and LED, as well as the battery cover. If your detector is fitted with a sealed 10-year battery, the battery door is locked.


Every year, test the detector to ensure that the light and sound indicators are working properly.

In the event of fire

  • Keep your cool
  • Evacuate immediately, without taking anything with you, in accordance with the evacuation plan.
  • Beware of heat and fumes. Remember to bend down, as the fresh air is close to the ground. Cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth
  • Close the door to the room on fire and the front door.
  • Once outside, call for help by dialing the emergency number (112: single European emergency number):
    • Indicate the reason for the call (type of fire)
    • Give your exact address and specify if there are any victims and the severity of their injuries
    • Answer firefighters’ questions and don’t hang up until they ask you to.
    • Do not attempt to re-enter the dwelling
    • Never take the elevator


  • CAUTION: If the corridors and stairways are completely filled with smoke :
    • Stay at home
    • Take shelter in a room
    • Close all interior openings (doors, air vents, etc.).
    • Call for help by dialing the emergency number (112: single European emergency number)
    • Put wet cloths at the bottom of doors and in front of interior openings
    • Go to the window so that help can see you

  • First familiarize yourself with your detector’s audible alarm.
  • Prepare an evacuation plan
  • Learn to recognize the exit route
  • Practice evacuating your home quickly.