If you believe you have found a vulnerability in one of our products or services, please send all the necessary information by e-mail to .

The most secure way is to send an encrypted e-mail. If you have never sent an encrypted e-mail before, you can use this link.

Tell us the name of the contact person, the organization (if professional) and your country.
Report the incident, giving full details of the breach, such as product name, model and firmware version, and how your configuration is set up (which platforms you’re using).
Indicate how the incident occurred and what measures you have taken.
Inform us of the impact of the security incident. What is the status of the incident up to the time of reporting?
Include screenshots of any anomalies you encountered while using the application.

We will acknowledge receipt of your message within a maximum of 3 days and contact you for further information. The incident should take a maximum of 10 days to process, and you will receive our response by post.

Resolve the security issue:
If we confirm the incident, we will conduct a root cause analysis and determine the best solution to resolve the security issue. You may be asked to participate in the testing phase to ensure that the incident is properly resolved.

Once the security update has been released, Nexelec will prepare and publish a public security communication. It may take up to 90 days from your first incident report before we issue a communiqué. We take advantage of this period to provide all our customers with a solution to protect their connected products.

The security and confidentiality of user data is of crucial importance to Nexelec. We do our utmost to ensure optimum security and minimize fraudulent use of our solutions.