Over the years, human activities, equipment, building materials and even outdoor air have all contributed to a significant deterioration in indoor air pollution. This problem has serious consequences, with 3.2 million premature deaths a year attributable to this pollution.

Published on 1 April 2024

INFOGRAPHY – The main causes of indoor air pollution

In this article:

Health effects

Indoor air pollution has serious health consequences. Spending most of our time indoors, it’s crucial to understand the harmful effects. Irritation, headaches, respiratory problems and increased risk of illness are all symptoms of poor indoor air quality. Raising awareness of these dangers is essential to promoting positive change.



Pollution-emitting activities

Tobacco, candles, incense and cleaning products all emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). At the same time, equipment such as paints, glues and building materials also contribute to this invisible menace. A thorough understanding of these sources is needed to implement effective solutions.



Avoiding indoor air pollution: the right thing to do

The fight against indoor air pollution starts with simple, everyday gestures. Airing rooms regularly renews the air and reduces pollutant concentrations. Checking air vents ensures optimum air flow. Avoiding the use of scented products, such as incense, candles and perfumed cleaning products, is essential to limit VOC emissions. Finally, installing air quality detectors provides continuous monitoring, enabling pollution levels to be anticipated and controlled.
By adopting these good habits, everyone can contribute to preserving their health and that of their indoor environment. Increased awareness of these simple practices is needed to create healthier spaces and promote long-term well-being.