The tertiary sector accounts for a significant proportion of France’s energy consumption, with around 960 million m² of buildings. Faced with this reality, the energy transition has become a priority, and several pieces of legislation have been put in place to meet this challenge, notably the Tertiary Decree and the BACS Decree. These decrees aim to reduce the energy footprint of commercial buildings, by cutting energy consumption and optimizing technical equipment.

Published on 25 November 2024

WHITE BOOK – Meeting decree requirements

In this article:

Understanding the objectives of the Tertiary Decree

Adopted as part of the Élan Law, the Tertiary Decree sets energy consumption reduction targets for buildings over 1,000 m² in surface area. In particular, owners and managers of these spaces must reach ambitious thresholds by 2030, 2040, and 2050. These reductions, calculated as a percentage compared to a reference year, aim to reduce the buildings’ energy footprint. As a first step, the first consumption declarations on the OPERAT platform, mandatory since September 2022, mark the starting point of this process.





The role of the BACS Decree in energy optimization

The BACS decree follows a complementary logic. It requires the installation of Building Automation and Control Systems (BAS). These technologies enable intelligent management of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment.

Through real-time monitoring, these systems reduce energy wastage and make it easier to identify anomalies. Their installation will become mandatory for new buildings from January 2024 (HVAC power > 70 kW). For existing buildings, this obligation applies from 2025 (power > 290 kW). In 2027, this obligation will be extended to all equipment above 70 kW.




A solution for managing building performance

Solutions such as those offered by Nexelec help building managers to achieve compliance. They also help optimize the energy performance of buildings.

Navixis offers tools for real-time monitoring of energy consumption and environmental conditions, including indoor air quality (IAQ). These solutions enable data to be tracked, temperatures to be adjusted room by room, and energy costs to be reduced. Thanks to these sensors, building managers can maintain a healthy, pleasant environment while complying with legal requirements.

